Hub navigation

This guide explains how to navigate Minecraft hubs using various methods supported by the Minecraft bot. It covers both automated options, like pre-configured navigation and macros, and manual methods

In Minecraft, hubs are central areas where players can access different game modes or servers. You can navigate these hubs using various methods supported by the Minecraft bot. Here’s a guide to help you with each method:

Automatic Methods

The bot has the most common hub navigation methods directly built into it. These can be accessed and configured under the Management > Settings > Functions page, in the Hub Settings panel.

This allows you to pick of any of the following methods:

Macro Navigation

If the pre-configured methods do not suite your navigation needs, then you should use Macros, which allow you to automate more complex actions.

This method is ideal to automate the manual portal mode. To learn more about macros, please check out the dedicated macro section.

Manual Control Methods

Chat Navigation

Chat navigation allows you to switch between different game modes or servers by sending chat commands directly.

How to Use:

  1. Access Chat Commands: Go to the Controls > Commands page in the bot’s interface.

  2. Enter Command: Type the command in the format /server somegamemode, where somegamemode is the name of the game mode or server you want to join. For example, /server survival to switch to the survival game mode.

  3. Send Command: Select the bots that will run the navigation command, and click the "Run Command" button.


  • Ease of Use: This is often the simplest and quickest way to navigate, but it relies on whether the server supports chat-based commands.

  • Compatibility: Ensure that the server you are trying to access allows chat commands for server switching.

Compass Navigation

Compass navigation involves using a compass item in your inventory to select different game modes or servers through an in-game GUI.

How to Use:

  1. Access Hotbar and Inventory Commands: Navigate to the Controls > Commands page in the bot’s interface.

  2. (Optional) Select compass Item: Use the "Hotbar Select" command to make the bot hold the compass item (usually a clock or a compass).

  3. Right-Click with Compass: Use the “Right Click Held” command to simulate holding and right-clicking the compass item in your inventory.

  4. Select Item: Use the “Click Window” command to interact with the open chest or GUI window that appears when you right-click the compass. Select the item or option corresponding to the game mode or server you wish to join.

Portal Navigation

Portal navigation uses movement commands to direct the bot to a specific location within the hub, typically where portals to different game modes or servers are located.

How to Use:

  1. Access Movement Commands: Go to the Controls > Commands page in the bot’s interface.

  2. Set Move Command: Use the “Move” command to direct the bot’s movements. Input the coordinates or direction to move towards the desired portal’s location.


  • Accuracy: Ensure that you provide precise coordinates or directions to reach the exact portal location.

  • Environmental Awareness: Be aware of obstacles or other players that might affect the bot’s ability to reach the portal.

Last updated