🥳Getting Started

Text tutorial

1. Create a new profile

1.1 Configure the Minecraft Server's details

Server Address: Enter the address of the Minecraft server where you want the bots to connect. For example, mc.hypixel.net.

By default, the port is set to Minecraft’s default port 25565. If your server uses a different port, specify it by adding a semi-colon followed by the port number to the server address (e.g., mc.hypixel.net:12345).

Online Mode: By default, Online Mode is enabled. This requires the use of paid Minecraft accounts (or account generators) and allows access to any premium Minecraft server.

If you intend to join a non-premium (cracked) or offline server, select the "Offline Mode" option from the dropdown menu. This setting permits connection to servers using just usernames, without needing full Minecraft accounts. Note: Offline Mode only works with cracked servers. It is not compatible with premium servers.

It is recommended to leave the Protocol setting on "Auto Detect". This ensures the bot can automatically determine the correct protocol for connection. Only change this setting if the bot fails to connect due to protocol detection issues.

1.2 Add accounts to the profile

For first-time account addition in "Online" mode, you will need to add Microsoft Accounts. Follow these steps: 1. Click the "Add Account(s)" dropdown. 2. Select "Add Microsoft Account". This action will securely redirect you to Microsoft's website, where you can log into your account. Note: that Microsoft does not share your password or any personal details with us.

While you can skip this step during the initial profile creation, you will eventually need to add Minecraft accounts (or usernames if the server is cracked) for the bots to join the server.

1.3 Configure the Minecraft Server's details

On this page, you can configure additional settings, including:

These settings can be adjusted at any time later if needed.

2. Get the bots to join the server

2.1 Connect the bots to the server

Max Connected Accounts: Set the maximum number of accounts you want online at the same time.

Account Connection Order: Optionally, change the order in which accounts join the server (e.g., bottom of the list first, or random order). Generally, this does not need to be changed.

If you did not add accounts during the profile creation step (1.2), you will need to go to the Accounts tab and add Minecraft accounts (or usernames for offline servers).

2.2 Inspecting the bots Chat, Inventory

Since everything runs in the cloud, no client will open on your local machine. You can monitor your account(s) only from the dashboard.

To view the bot's status, tasks, health, and more, click on the bot's face image (see image below). Note: If the face is greyed out, it indicates that the bot is offline. You can only view stats for online accounts.

You can also toggle between the bot's chat, inventory, and open chest (if applicable).

2.3 View the bot's game

To see the bot's game window, click on the bot's face image and then select the "View In-Game" button at the bottom of the bot's health, stats, and other details panel. This will open a new tab displaying the game's view (see video below). Please note that the visuals may differ from vanilla Minecraft, with entities rendered as cuboids.

2.4 Navigating hubs (optional)

There are multiple ways to navigate Minecraft gamemode hubs:

  • Chat navigation: Send chat commands via the Controls > Commands page. Typically, the format is /server somegamemode. This is the easiest method, though not all servers support it.

  • Compass navigation: Send hotbar and inventory commands via the Controls > Commands page. Use the "Right Click Held" command to right-click the compass item, then use the "Click Window" command to select an item in the open chest (window).

  • Portal navigation: Send movement commands via the Controls > Commands page. Use the "Move" command to direct the bot to the desired portal's location.

All of these methods can be automated. most cases, this can be done by going to the Settings > Functions page and configuring the join method in the Hub Settings section. More complex or unique navigation methods can be automated with macros.

2.5 Running simple Commands

To run basic commands on some or all of your bots, go to the Controls > Commands page. This page also displays a history of the commands you've previously executed.

On the left side of the page, you can select various commands such as Chat, Move, Drop, etc. After selecting a command, you can configure it in the Command Settings section, if applicable.

To execute the command, select the bots by clicking the dropdown below the Command Settings panel and choosing any online bots (or tags). Once selected, click the "Run Command" button.

For more advanced actions, you can either use Plugins or Macros.

3. Running plugins on the bots for more advanced tasks

Please read the dedicated Plugin, and Macro sections.

Need the bots to Register/Login to a cracked server with chat commands? Check out the Cracked server Register/Login section.

Check out the Macros section in order to learn more powerful ways to automate the bots for your specific needs.

Last updated