Chat and Inventory

Since the bot operates entirely in the cloud, there is no local client running on your machine. All monitoring and management of your bot are conducted through the dashboard.

Viewing the Bot's Status

To view detailed information about the bot's status, tasks, health, food, and other metrics, navigate to the dashboard and click on the bot's profile picture. This will open a detailed view of the bot’s current state and performance data.

Note: If the bot’s face icon is greyed out, it indicates that the bot is currently offline. You can only access and view detailed stats for bots that are online and actively connected.

Inspecting Chat and Inventory

From the dashboard, you have the ability to inspect various aspects of the bot’s interaction:

  • Chat: Toggle to view the bot’s chat messages. This allows you to monitor communications, troubleshoot issues. Use this to debug common issues, such as bot mining block, but not breaking it (in which case usually the bot doesn't have build permissions, which it is told in chat).

  • Inventory: Access the bot’s inventory to check item counts, ensure that the bot has required tools, items, food, etc

  • Open Chest: If applicable, you can view the contents of any open chest that the bot is interacting with. This feature is helpful to see if the server has opened any container for the bot, such as a chest, an anti-bot window, a captcha window, etc.

By toggling between these views, you can effectively manage and monitor the bot’s activities and ensure its operations align with your expectations.

Last updated