Connection settings

To not overhelm the target server, and to not trigger anti-bot detections, the bots join one after another, not all at the same time.

Reconnect Settings

What does each mode do?:

  • Always reconned: always reconnects the bot, unless the bot has been specifically instructed to not reconnect by the user (via Commands, Accounts tabs, or Macros). The join delay is ~10 seconds after disconnection.

  • Always Reconned with Delay: same as the Always Reconnect option, except you can specify how long to wait between reconnects. The join delay is specified in milliseconds (1000 milliseconds is 1 second).

  • Do Not Reconnect: the bot will join once, and will not reconnect if it ever gets disconnected, unless the user specifically requests the bot to re-join (in the Accounts tab).

Join Delay Settings

Most minecraft servers have a limit on how often players can join from a single IP address, thus we need to limit how often we join bots to the server. Note: if you are using proxies, then this can be ignored, as proxies assign new IP addresses to each bot.

This delay is also known as the throttle delay, the default is 5 seconds, but can be modified to match your desired wait duration.

Proxy settings

See Proxy settings dedicated page.

Private IP settings

Your account has an IP address assigned to it, meaning that all of your bots, for all profiles will use the same IP address, unless use proxies.

If you get IP banned on a server, you can go to your account's profile page, and reset your IP address (which assigns a new address to your account, and all of your profiles).

Got IP banned on a server? Change your IP address on your account page.

Last updated