Macro Tips

How can I make the whole macro loop infinitely?

You can control the whole macro's looping behaviour by selecting the Settings menu in the macro, and then switching between options in the Loop section:

How do I make a macro's section repeat it self/loop?

You can create infinite loops by creating a circle with macro component outputs:

If you do not need an infinite loop, you can use the Repeat component instead, on which you can specify how many times it should go to the "Loop" output, before goint to the "Finished" output:

You can reset macro component output's, by right clicking it, and then clicking "Remove all outgoing connections".
Hold the Shift key while selecting components, to select multiple components at the same time.


How to get a Discord Webhook Url?
How to mention people in Discord Webhooks?

To mention users, use the following format: <@user_id> (e.g.: "Hello <@739441278588026891>") To mention roles, use the following format: <@&role_id> (e.g.: "Group <@&1269438860518096916>, please notice this!")

Currently discord webhooks that mention users in embedded fields do note produce ping notifications! This will be updated once notifications are supported fully.

Last updated